Many people are terrified about flying, even though statistics show that flying is a safer mode of traveling than driving. But accidents do happen. Most aviation accidents are attributed to the negligence of the pilot (a.k.a. pilot error). The state of Florida is experiencing an increase in aviation traffic due partly from our fairly flat lands and clear weather. The state is now the country’s second busiest state in air traffic.
- Steven S. Farbman
There are rules regulating air travel and special agencies that enforce them. When an accident occurs and the aircraft is privately owned, then the laws that apply are similar to an auto accident. But in addition the accident may have also involved malfunctions with the aircraft or its equipment. This means the manufacturer or maintenance facility could also be liable. If the aircraft is owned and/or operated by an air carrier the laws change entirely.
The Law Office of Steven S. Farbman, P.A. specializes in all aviation related injuries and fatalities. We handle all commercial airline, charter airplane, business jet, helicopter and single engine plane accident cases. We have an on staff aviation expert investigator with over 15 years of aviation experience who will take pictures of the crash scene and preserve evidence. Our office will conduct a thorough investigation and speak with all possible witnesses. We will contact the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) and retrieve all their findings. A thorough investigation by our firm will ensure you receive the maximum compensation for your injury.
These types of accidents require expert analysis and the resources of an experienced, board certified civil trial attorney. The Law Office of Steven S. Farbman, P.A. is committed to helping people who have been involved in an aviation accident, or who have lost a loved one. We understand that being injured in an accident or losing a loved one is a difficult time for you. Our office will be there for you in your time of despair. You are more than a file number at the Law Office of Steven S. Farbman, P.A.. You are family. We will protect you and aggressively pursue all legal remedies available to you under the law.
The Law Office of Steven S. Farbman, P.A., will make sure the individuals, aircraft manufacturers and airliners are held accountable for their actions. Call now for a FREE initial consultation 1(866) FLA-ATTY or click here for a FREE on-line evaluation. These types of cases may be subject to a Statute of Limitations. Therefore, it is extremely important you act immediately to ensure your claim is preserved and you do not waive your rights to the compensation you deserve. Our firm works on a contingency fee basis. This means we get paid for our services only if, and when, there is a money recovery for you. You deserve the best possible legal representation, so call us now 1(866) FLA-ATTY.